Power Control exhibiting at Healthcare Estates 2019

Power Control
26 Sept 2019

The Healthcare Estates is the unrivalled platform for estate and facility managers and directors to network with industry colleagues whilst sourcing the latest innovations from healthcare services and equipment suppliers. Taking up residence in Manchester Central from the 8th to 9th October 2019, visitors can expect to meet over 200 exhibitors, and be brought up to speed with the latest issues and legislation affecting the healthcare market.

With over 25 years of experience in providing backup power supplies, Power Control understand that when it comes to providing backup power for the healthcare market it is also vital that medical UPS systems, batteries and switchgear adhere to very specific regulations and operating recommendations, including the recently updated Healthcare Technical Memorandum.

As the preferred trade consultant for businesses nationwide, Power Control has aligned itself with some of the most coveted contractor, project engineers and specialist manufacturers including, Borri Spa, Huawei, Legrand and CertaUPS.

Power Control will be showcasing uninterruptible power supplies from both Borri Spa and Legrand, both ideal for installing into healthcare estates. There will also be an Isolated Power Supply (IPS) on the stand. It is recommended by several international and UK standards that IPS systems are to be used for circuits supplying power to life support equipment and in areas where intra-cardiac procedures are performed. Experts will be on hand to talk through all of these systems along with meeting best practice and legislation.

Power Control has been instructed by leading healthcare authorities across the UPS, and have carried out several £millions worth of UPS works for healthcare groups supplying UPS solutions for over half the operating theatres in the country.

With senior figures and industry professionals amongst the attendees, the Health Care Estates exhibition gives Power Control a great opportunity to display its products and services in front of professionals and network with individuals across the healthcare market.